Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on Trangender and the Bathroom - 1064 Words

Many may wonder what being a transgender person really is, a lot of people may see or refer to it as someone who has gone gender transformation, or is confused with who they are. The word transvestite is very much used when referring to a person who identifies with the opposite gender, the word Transvestite itself originated in 1910 by the well known German sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, who also founded the Berlin institute which was where the first sex change surgeries took place. Transsexual was not used until 1949, the word transgender not until 1971, and trans not until 1996, but they all refer to the same thing. The idea of being transgender goes as far back as 1503 BC to the Egyptians. It was believed that their second†¦show more content†¦Transgender isn’t always a physical change, so a women still have a vagina and a man will still have a penis, which means situations such as woman being raped by a man who claims theyre transgender, or the opposite, a woman r aping a man which is also possible. Sports teams are characterized by gender for a reason. You are placed to play with and against people who are around your physical strength, men are physically stronger than girls. Allowing a transgender kid into a sports team isnt a wise decision, boys are meant to play with boys and girls to play with girls for a reason. Imagine a eighteen year old boy who claims, that he is a transgender young adult simply so that he can play on a girls basketball team, he will dominate his teammates and automatically be the best on the team. For example in the movie, Juwanna Man, a man who is a player in the NBA begins to dress like a female in order to play in the WBA. Without a doubt he becomes the best on the team, and this is a prime example as to why it’s unfair to give transgender the option to cross into the opposite sexes territory. There are not many pros when it comes to letting transgender students pick the restroom they want to use or to allow them to pick the sports team they want to play on. A few of the positive factors that can come with this are, that a transgender person would feel more comfortable being able to be around the

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